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Elettrolity Mineral shop del cavallo

Elettrolity Mineral

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Assimilatable electrolytes: sodium, magnesium, potassium. Complementary feed for horses rich in mineral salts. Ideal for supplementing cereal-based diets and in the summer or heavy work period. It is essential for a workhorse to supplement with mineral salts in case of heavy sweating. Salt deficiencies cause the horse to become tired, lose energy, have an unsightly coat and other complications. Electrolity minerals provides sodium, magnesium and potassium, minerals crucial for rehydration.

Potassium: regulates the fluid content in the body, contributes to the functioning of muscles and nerve cells. The loss of potassium therefore reduces neuromuscular functions, but also the ability of the small premuscular arteries to dilate adequately, also causing muscular hypoxia and start of tying-up.

Sodium: it is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of the nervous, muscular, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Together with potassium it regulates the osmotic pressure and the acid-base balance of the cell. Sodium is therefore essential to avoid muscle weakness and fatigue.

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